
Showing posts from August, 2017

Baby Teeth and the Elusive Manor House: The 2017 Season in a Nutshell

Apologies, dear readers, for the long gap in posts. Digging in Bermuda in August is brutal, we've found, and exhausting and the last weeks of the dig were a frantic crush of activity. Work hard, play hard and all that. When the typical day is a high of 86 and a low of 82 and high humidity, it's hard to muster the energy to regularly blog! The students were troopers, though, and pushed through the whole season with no heat stroke casualties and good morale through the end. We have now completed our 2017 field work and I can report that at Oven Site  we  excavated 54 contexts in two areas. Our initial exploratory trench 35 feet north northeast of the cistern straddling two courses of a dry Bermuda stone wall ( Oven Site B)  identified apparent footing of a now-lost wooden structure dating to the late 19 th or early 20 th century (right).  Most of the season’s focus was on the Cistern , which was stratigraphically connected to the rest of Oven Site through a clearing ...