
Showing posts from May, 2015

Happy Bermuda Day! Dig Starts TOMORROW!

It's been a crazy busy couple of weeks, between a conference on a cruise ship to Bermuda with the Society of Colonial Wars, end of semester work at U of R, hosting two graduation ceremonies (History and the first-ever Digital Media Studies class), and then getting everything ready for the field school and the students landed and settled. But it has all been worth it as the start of Season Four begins. We have a great mix of experienced returnees - Leigh and Jim, and Belk Foundation Fellows Mimi, Alice, and Samantha - and five new students ready for the challenges of field school and Bermudian archaeology:  Bailey, Cameron, Ethan, Gabby, and John. Miracle on Bridge Street  The biggest challenge/worry was putting a roof over our heads. This spring, I had heard that a young couple were renovating Block House, the old semi-derelict Belco building next to Town Hall is St. George's - a fantastic location, and big enough to house the entire crew. (In past years, we've been spread ...