
Showing posts from October, 2014

Hurricane Gonzalo

I know I speak for all of the students who have dug in Bermuda over the past five years in saying that our hearts and prayers go out to the people of Bermuda as Hurricane Gonzalo approaches. Please stay safe and weather the storm well!

3D Oven Site model video

Time has flown since July and Bermuda! When I returned to Rochester, I was asked to become director of the university's recently launched Digital Media Studies program, in addition to my "day job" teaching history and being Director of Undergraduate Studies. One great advantage of my new DMS post has been immersing myself in new digital technologies and 3D modelling. At the end of the season, I did an extensive overlapping photo survey of Oven Site to capture it in high detail for analysis after it was filled in. It turns out that processing 267 x 16 megapixel images and making a 3D point cloud and mesh of the site was beyond the ability of my 20GB desktop. UR, however, has Blue Hive, a clustered supercomputer, which was up to the task - 64 CPU cores and 120GB memory - but it still took a whole weekend! The video below does not do justice to the fine detail of the model, but gives you an idea of the interactivity that is now possible. We just opened a new visualization la...