Oven Site - Extreme Makeover Edition!
It's amazing what six highly motivated students and volunteers can do in six hours... We had another new volunteer join us today - Chloe - and we did not do enough to scare Krystl away, so we had two plus the usual crew. Since our working premise is the visible part of Oven Site is only a small back room on a larger timber-frame house, we needed to clear the area to the east of last year's excavations. I thought this might take a day and a half, but by mid-afternoon the site was completely transformed: Before After "I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay..." I n the process of getting rid of the trees we removed, I discovered a round cistern-like feature dating to the 1970s farming era but perhaps much earlier a mere 20 feet from the Oven Site but hitherto hidden under branches and leaves. Krystl vs. the trees By 2 pm, we had laid out the new units that will extend the exploratory trench east and reveal the house's width. After running through the importance and...