2013 Field School Just around the corner!
I t's been a busy year at the University of Rochester, especially with my new job as Director of Undergraduate Studies. Although there will be a lot of work finishing up the term and getting through graduation in the weeks to come, I can't wait to get back to Smiths Island! In response to student suggestions (read here: mutiny threats!), this year the field school with be five weeks instead of four, with more time off for boon-doggle days -- and I have some excellent historic adventures planned. We will again repeat public tours of the dig sites through the Historic Heartbeats program on June 23 for Bermudians interested in getting out to Smiths and see what new things we uncover at Oven Site. This year's team will be lean and mean - just four students (including returnees Leigh and Kristina) and myself, so I'd welcome anyone interested in volunteering (between May 25 and June 28). Please contact me directly at michael.jarvis@rochester.edu to make arrangements. I'm ...